4791 tick non-redundant prokaryotic microbial macrogenomes (MAG’s) with more than 50% completeness and less than 10% contamination were comprehensively constructed, of which 26.65% were newly discovered species. Major phyla included Proteobacteria, Actinobacteriota, Firmicutes and Bacteroidota.

4320 DNA non-redundant viral genomes were constructed and the evolutionary relationships of these viruses were determined. Only about 56% of the viral vOTUs (Viral Operational Taxonomic Unit ,vOTU) matched known genomes in Viral RefSeq, further suggesting that the vOTUs in most ticks are unique compared to viruses in other ecosystems. The tick viral group consists of 82 families covering mainly Peduoviridae, Hendrixvirinae, Azeredovirinae, Bronfenbrennervirinae, Casadabanvirus, Inoviridae and Obolenskvirus. Asfarviridae.